Sunday, 19 July 2015 04:30

Diplomacy Irani: the Congress of America has recently passed the draft of the project of arming Pishmerga and Sunni group of Iraq which has created a big fuss. According to this project American government establish a direct connection with Kurds and Iraqi tribes and arm them. The Prime Minister of Iraq has insisted on opposing the project of America Congress arming directly Pishmerga and Sunni tribes. Concerning this we had a talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Region in Tehran of which the main points as followed:

In Dabbagh’s point of view this project is being considered through both Kurdish and legal aspects. Firstly, if central government of Iraq is obedient to the Constitution in order to support Pishmerga to confront ISIS, there will be no need for such project from America. Secondly, in that project the Congress has made some conditions to deliver military aids to KRG including that these aids will be delivered by central government of Iraq, then if central government or Sunni groups do not help Pishmerga to confront ISIS, the military aids will be delivered directly. However in this project it has insisted that delivering the military aids to KRG do not need be effective on the concern of separating Iraq. Concerning the negative reaction of the central government of Iraq to this project Dabbagh said: it seems Iraqi government has been involved in suspicion. If not so, the pass of such project in congress would not have encountered their reaction. All of us even America are in the same position of fighting ISIS. If Iraq government trusted KRG, it instead of a negative reaction would have to declare that we were all Iraqi and united and Pishmerga was a part of defensive forces of Iraq. Thus, Dabbagh’s estimating is that this action of America for directly arming Kurdistan and Sunni tribes of Iraq is to strengthen his effect and presence in the region. Relating the effect of America’s action on the military cooperation of Iran and USA to fight against ISIS Dabbagh said: it seems that after Iran and USA’s closeness in nuclear case, the conditions have happened in a way that the closeness of Tehran-Washington gets more. Of course, the being conditioned of the Congress’s project should be considered specially, and if the government of Iraq is obedient to the Constitution, there will be no need for direct aid of America to Pishmerga.                



Tuesday, 10 March 2015 03:30

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of the KRG of Iraq in Iran, dealt with the resistance of Kubane people against ISIS forces.

Dimplomacy Irani: the emergence of ISIS in the region was the result of the several factors such as political and military plans and changes of regional and universal powers leading to taking opposite and different policies and to military, economic and political campaigns in the unpredictable region of the Middle East as well. Indeed the history of formation of ISIS dates back over 100 years ago which in different times and under divergent titles and names grew in various geographical areas of the region.

After Saddam’s fall, the extinction of old organization and the appearance of new ones being used in the political equations in this country, ISIS emerged from these organizations and chose this name for itself.

Unfortunately instead of to act for the future of holly Islam and to aid to develop the country, these organizations entered games and political interests. After ISIS emerging from them began to attack Kubani, Kurdistan and Kurds about which there have been lots phrases made.

The considerable and important point about Kubani is that after the majority of town was occupied by ISIS many people and countries came to the illusion that their wishes would be met and ISIS would get its final accomplishments, but the admirable resistance of Kubani and heroic fighting of worriers and Y.P.J forces conveyed this message to enemies that it would not be easy to defeat those aiming to develop the future. Kubani transmits this message that there is no limit to resist and fight. The freedom of Kubani emits this message to the world that it was the creation of the unity among nation present freedom. The unity and sharing goal and friend’s shaking hand and being hostile toward enemies, in frame of the legitimate goals, will cause the final outcome even if it took longer. Kubani conveyed this message to the world that the legal and acceptable fighting for the nation already suffering genocide and innocence is a long one leading to a great triumph and passing through exterior obstacles and no force can confront this determination with sleaziness and prevent from its aims.

After 133-day resistance and fighting with presence of women and men and fighters of Y.P.G and Y.P.J and supporting Pishmerga as well, this town got released. Its releasing is not just to free a region or a town and return it to its main and historical owners, but it has a message to those praying darkness and anti-humanity and –civilization and to those supporting ISIS with their whole power preventing from helping Kubani that the failure is for them and victory for honors; the legality of the fighting for united nation and for the enemies darkness, terrorism and paganism.

The message of Kubani was that we can fight against terrorism and darkness with the presence of women and men along with unity and rise from flares with proud and victorious.

Kubani emitted the message of Kurdish women’s role and leadership and command in battlefield against terror and occupants to the world and showed the Middle East spinning out of sexual, ideological and political discrimination, Kurdish women with any opinion and attitude, together with men and even more, not only prove themselves but also humanity, equality and happy life. They have created a rose flower woven out of conflagration of war, inequality and inhumanity

Thursday, 04 September 2014 13:30

Following Mohammad javad Zarif’s travel to Kurdistan region of Iraq Diplomacy Irani had an interview with Dr. Mohammad Seddiq Ahmad the deputy-representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran of which main points as followed:


Mohammad Seddiq Ahmad believes both sides have special place in their own foreign policy for each other and the foreign minister’s travel to the region at this time denotes Iran’s nation’s support from Iraq’s and Kurdistan’s people. KRG of Iraq has turn out to be the most important confrontation center with ISIS and Pishmerga forces more than any other groups have fought them. Thus to support Kurdistan’s people and military forces against this increasingly international threat is so much important to the neighboring country and I.R. of Iran as a regional power was the first country which in this direction gave precious help to KR.


About the outcomes of this travel he said I as an international researcher believe that despite of this suppress Kurds are a fact in the region. Nowadays Kurds concern is no longer an interior matter of Iraq but a regional and international. Iran is known as the origin of foreign Kurds. In spite of respecting the national benefits and the principle of foreign policy of Iran I have to say that Iran has not taken any advantages of this in spite of all these powers and effective equipment.  


Thus Dr. Zarif’s travel to Iraq at this time represents the relation of both sides as sturdy and inseparable. Definitely Kurds know Iran as their motherland wherever they are and appreciate the relation to be developed. Dr. Ahmad believes that KRG sees Shia as a strategic ally, nevertheless the occurred differences are between the Region and Iraq governments but the Shia. In the direction of solving these problems, I.R. of Iran regarding having ties with both sides can play a prominent role to converge them. Thus the important point about this is concerning establishing balance on the relations with Shia, Kurds and Sunni of Iraq in foreign policy of Tehran in Iraq.


In a response to last question, Dr. Ahmad believes that the matter of Kurdistan independency from Iraq is in the field of the right of self-determination. The policies of KRG also are according to keep peace and stability in the KRG and region. Our collaboration with Tehran is not limited to a period of time. So the short-time crises cannot create basic changes in our policy.            






Wednesday, 20 August 2014 09:00

To analyze recent changes of Iraq Diplomacy Irani interviewed Dr. Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad, the deputy-Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran. What follow is the main lines of his interview.

Dr. Ahmad against Mr. Nuri Maliki saying the events by Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) were the plots of Kurds to put pressure on Baghdad, said these statements are brightly illusion plot. He continued we hope in this important time he should think of an intellectual solution to this crisis, since one of the main causes of such conditions is the inappropriate operation of parts of political system and statesmen who have created these problems. He said these statements are nothing but a projection. He mentioned Mr. Nechirvan Barezani positions saying the Pishmerga have not occupied anywhere and their progression in quarreled regions is to make up for security vacuum resulting from the army withdrawal.

Diplomacy Irani asked Dr. Ahmad that regarding army officers escaping from Mosul to Kurdistan Region does it not create doubt that Kurdistan plotted against Maliki, he answered this doubt is completely illogical and untrue. Indeed hundred thousands of people sought asylum Kurdistan as the safest region in Iraq after Mosull having been taken up by ISIS. The people and government of Kurdistan greeted and helped them with their all power. Unfortunately Iraq statesmen have such interpretation of so huge greeting. Dr. Ahmad said: while trustable army officers of Iraq and Mr. Maliki give their guns up and ran away, legal Pishmerga forces of Kurdistan whose wages have been stopped by Mr. Maliki over two years by an unfounded excuse are defending oppressed people suffering the crises in front line.

He said it is good to insist on this point again that Kurdistan of Iraq itself has been one of the victims of terrorism and to fight against it in any form is our inevitable policy. We should not forget that was last year that ISIS cell took over those attacks to centers in Erbil. Less than last two month ISIS suicide attack to office of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Khanegheyn victimized more than 40 people. Mr. Barezani also mentioned in his recent phrases that we said Baghdad we were ready to collaborate with state forces to react against terrorists according to the agreements between us, but unfortunately central government did not pay any attention to preparation announcement and did even not answer to this friendly suggestion by KRG, if statesmen in Baghdad had agreed tactfully with Erbil suggestion, events process might have directed a different way otherwise now.


About America positions Dr. Ahmad also said that Obama government in advance notified senior authority of the Region the necessity of applying political strategy along with military besides federal government authorities. American statesmen also mentioned this. He said direct interfere in Iraq requires condition that presently it is not available to America, since this action threatens the national benefits of America.





Wednesday, 01 January 2014 07:00

Nazem Dabbagh, the deputy of Kurdistan regional government in Iran and expert of Iraq affaires in conversation with Diplomacy Irani, noticing to currently terrorist attacks in Iraq believe that if political partial disputes among Iraqi groups are not solved there is no hope to decrease violence in Iraq.


Diplomacy Irani: yesterday explosion of eight car bombs mostly Shia zone of Baghdad, capital of Iraq, caused the death of at least 23 citizens. This year has been the bloodiest one since Iraq was attacked in 2003. Only in current month (July) more than 700 people have been died around the Country. It is said that tension between Shia and Sunni community in Iraq has been raised in recent months and so this country witnesses increasing of violence. Moreover, fir has been got on in Syria proceeding amongst neighbor countries day by day, especially to Iraq. Are we going to witness another serous crisis in Syria? Is this war between Shia and Sunni in Iraq coming up? These are questions shared with Nazem Dabbagh, the deputy of Kurdistan Regional Government in Iran and expert Iraq affaires that you read in following.


Dipolomacy Irani: Explosion of eight car bombs in Baghdad showed that security situation in Baghdad is going to worsen day by day. Just in this month (August) more than 700 people were killed through bombing around the country. What is the reason of this insecurity from your point of view?


Dabbagh: Bombing and violence in Iraqis not a new problem. It has been existence from Saddam collapsed. Nevertheless, from time to time this violence is reduced from reasons bombing are increased.


Diplomacy Irani: Ok, the problem is increase of the bombing. According to the report published by United Nations, just in April, May and June, this violence left more than 2600 killed people. So, current year is one of bloodiest one since invasion of Iraq in 2003.


Dabbagh: recent insecurity in Iraq has several reasons. One relates to political problem. Look, rivalry in Iraq has not yet solved correctly and groups have not learned not to sacrifice national interest for personal, political and group interests. Current disputes and gaps among Iraqi political elites and groups bring about to security making. Consequently, lack of unity among Iraqi security forces, in my view, is one of the important problems in this region. Unfortunately, wing making and political rivalries seen in Iraq, affect on security forces and party forming and nepotism have had an extremely negative effects on condition of security organizations. Furthermore, Syrian crisis affects ongoing insecurity. Therefore not only currently bombing, in my view, is not for a new matter, but also it has enhanced the mass of explosion.


Diplomacy Irani: you pointed out to Syrian crisis and named it as one of the roots of violence in Iraq. What was this effectiveness like?


Dabbagh: look, political, military and security condition of the region are all interrelated. When insecurity coming up in any neighboring country, surely, it has an affect on Iraq security situation. So the more Syria crisis is enlarged, the more insecurity and dispute around the region are aggregated, especially in Iraq. Apparently after beginning of crisis in Syria and spreading to civil war in that country, extremist groups, especially Al-Qaeda, found proper opportunity to emerging and appear. By establishing a group named Emarate- Eslami_Iraq and trying to connect this group to Sham Region (Syria and Lebanon), Al-Qaeda is going to dominate in that arena. They have close link with Jebhato_Nosrah and whether in Iraq or Syria acts according to same goals and motive.


During years and centuries religious and sects have been living together without any problem. Whatever is happening in Iraq can not be defined and described as a battle between Shia and Sunni, but this is opportunism of special elites and groups, in my view, trying to abuse this atmosphere and battle between Shia and Sunni to achieve their own benefits.


Diplomacy Irani: what measures have Iraqi government taken for preventing from spreading of insecurity?


Dabbagh: Iraqi Government tried not to enter in Syrian Crisis and hider of spread of insecurity to Iraq frontier. Nonetheless, it has not been such successful. Since Iraq is getting into serious troubles and Iraq interior battle cause the entering of foreign and extremist forces into the country. One of the important actions should be done, from my point of view, is to unify and give individual and group interests up. If it happens and political parties unite on the pivot of national principals and interests, security forces will come together. Too, security Forces in Iraq should see themselves as colleague and unanimous, not rival. As long as this gap is existed in Iraq, Al-Qaeda troops misuse from power vacuum byplaying among groups and make an attempt to intensify insecurity in Iraq.


Diplomacy Irani: in your view, how much the clash between Shia and Sunni is serious?


Nazem Dabbgh: From my point of view this is not serious. During years and centuries religious and sects have been living together without any problem. Whatever is happening in Iraq can not be defined and described as a battle between Shia and Sunni, but this is opportunism of special elites and groups, in my view, trying to abuse this atmosphere and battle between Shia and Sunni to achieve their own benefits. In my view, the difficulties we’re seeing in Iraq is impacted and reflected as Shia and Sunni disputes, while problem is related to political leadership in Iraq that tried to rule the kinsman thaughts and ideas, however it should make security in the country and give up individual benefits.


Diplomacy Iani: So, does root of these problems Iraqi political elites, in your view.


Dabbagh: sure. Current troubles show that political elites and security forces could not resolve the problems successfully and keep the country safe. Just as I told, there is no dispute among Iraqi People. Partial and political problems and discrepancy among positions develop scope f disputes. These complications come to being when this dispute spill over to security forces.


Diplomacy Irani: What actions should be taken by Iraqi political elites?


Dabbagh: The main action that should be taken is to unite. Disunion is the most important problems of Iraq today. When you look at to political area of Iraq you find that every one makes own way and try much and much to provide his especial benefit. In this situation we have not hope to countries problems, especially in security issues.


Diplomacy Irani: What is the role of foreign countries in insecurity situation in Iraq?


Dabbagh: It seems we can not ignore foreign countries’ effects on Iraq’s political and security situations. Of course, it doesn’t mean that these countries are directly engaged in Iraq, but usually intervene in Iraq through the group are acting in this country. Several countries support several groups in Iraq and these supports intensify contradiction to these groups and dispute among them in political arena. Thus, this issue is one of the insecurity factors in Iraq.  





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